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न्यू जर्सीका नेपालीहरू कोरोना महामारी राहतको लागि समूह गठन र महामारी सम्बन्धि रणनीति र सार्वजनिक

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Exclusive: अमेरिकाको न्यू जर्सी राज्यका नेपालीहरूको एक आपत्कालिन कन्फेरेनेस कल बैठकले कोरोना महामारी रोगबाट पीड़ितहरूको राहतको लागि समूह गठन गरेको छ भने महामारी सम्बन्धि रणनीतिको तयारी र सार्वजनिक अपील जारी गरिएकोछ। बैठकले कोरोनाभाईरस र भविष्यमा हुन सक्ने महामारी प्रकोपको राहतको लागि NJ Nepali Pandemic Relief Group (न्यू जर्सी नेपाली महामारी राहत समूह) गठन गरेकाछन्। समूहले समुदायका सदस्यहरूलाई धैर्यधारण, सावधानी र सुरक्षित रहन अपील गर्दै सोसल डिस्टेन्स कायम गर्न र कोरोनाबाट संक्रमित व्यक्तिसंग सामिप्यमा आएमा १४ दिन सेल्फ कोरिन्टिनमा बस्न आग्रह गरेकोछ। समूहले Corona Pandemic Victim support, Coronavirus Relief Package Benefit Webinar, Nepali Healthcare Skill Resource Directory र Create awareness, conduct pandemic preparedness webinar संचालन गर्ने जनाएकोछ।

न्यू जर्सी नेपाली महामारी राहत समूहद्वारा जारी अपीलको पूर्ण पाठ यो समाचारको लिंकमा पढ्नुहोस्।

महामारी रोग सम्बन्धि रणनीति र सार्वजनिक अपील

NJ Nepali Pandemic Relief Group’s Pandemic Strategy and Public Appeal

न्यू जर्सी नेपाली महामारी राहत समूहको महारोग सम्बन्धि रणनीति र सार्वजनिक अपील

On March 27, 2020, Nepali community representatives from New Jersey State conducted conference call meeting to stay informed and prepared for current Coronavirus and future pandemic preparedness. After comprehensive discussion, Nepali representatives had decided to establish a pandemic preparedness group: “NJ Nepali Pandemic Relief Group” (न्यू जर्सी नेपाली महामारी राहत समूह)

The meeting also decided to appeal all community members to say calm, stay alert and safe. Maintain social distance and follow 14-days quarantine if exposed to Coronavirus.

1.Corona Pandemic Victim support

(a) Support Coronavirus Nepali community victims in New Jersey. (b) Coordinate with other states’ Nepali community relief groups and communities.

(c) Disseminate government resources to community, victims and their families.

(d)Extend support and cooperate to local and state governments on behalf of community.

2.Coronavirus Relief Package Benefit Webinar

(a) Conduct online webinar with government officials and financial representatives to better inform and guide our community to claim optimum benefits from the federal and state benefits.

(b) Conduct webinar with immigration attorneys to learn and be informed on immigration status consequences while receiving relief package and other state and federal benefits.

3.Nepali Healthcare Skill Resource Directory

(a) Compile and maintain up-to-date list of Nepali healthcare professionals in New Jersey and all over United States for current and future pandemic preparedness.

4.Create awareness, conduct pandemic preparedness seminar/webinar

(a) Conduct pandemic preparedness webinar to current and future pandemic events.

NJ Nepali Pandemic Relief Group

न्यू जर्सी नेपाली महामारी राहत समूह

1.Dr. Bishnu Maya Pariyar

Hudson Speaks (CarePoint Health, founding President, WFC, Diversity & Inclusion Board Advisor, Jersey City Mayor

(617) 320-9768

2.Renu Sharma Sapkota

Entrepreneur, District-4 Ward C Committee Member, ex-President, WFC

(201) 726-6360

3. Samir Budhathoki

President, NRN NJ, Restaurant owner

(646) 251-0519

4. Pradeep Thapa

Journalist, Editor-in-Chief, Nepalism .com

(917) 570-1098

5. Manoj Khanal

Writer, Accountant

(646) 463-1058

6. Yam Adhikari

Partner, New York Life Insurance, ex-Advisor, NRN USA NCC

(646) 344-2155

7. Sanjeev Shrestha

General Secretary, Blood Donors of America

(347) 387-4316

8. Biswa Baral

Computer Engineer, Entreprenuer

(732) 822-8619

9. Krishna Subedi

General Secretary, NRN NJ

(626) 873-3499

10. Kabina Maharjan

Artist, President, Women for Cause (WFC), FON NJ, New York Newa Guthi

(917) 566-0011

11. Punam Rana Malla

Woman Activist, Ex-Woman Coordinator, NRN NY

(917) 833-2056



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