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सुपरिचित मानवशास्त्री डा. ओम गुरुङ, ७०, को मृगौला रोगको उपचारकाक्रममा निधन

Tribute: सुपरिचित मानवशास्त्री डा. ओम गुरुङ, ७०, को निधन भएकोछ। उनी विगत ९ वर्षदेखि मृगौला रोगबाट ग्रसित थिए। अमेरिकाको प्रसिद्ध कोर्नेल विश्वविद्यालयबाट सन् १९९२ मा मानवशास्त्रमा पिएचडी गरेका डा. गुरुङ त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालय समाजशास्त्र तथा मानवशास्त्र विभागका पूर्व प्रमुख, राष्ट्रिय योजना आयोगका पूर्व सदस्य र नेपाल आदिवासी जनजाति महासंघका पूर्व महासचिव रहेका थिए।

मानवशास्त्री डा. ओम गुरुङको ललितपुरको हरिसिद्दि क्यान्सर अस्पतालमा उपचारका क्रममा सोमबार निधन भएको हो । डा. गुरुङको नौ वर्ष अघि भारतको राजधानी नयाँ दिल्लीस्थित फोर्टिस अस्पतालमा मृगौलाको सफल प्रत्यारोपण भएको थियो। सो मृगौलामा फेरी समस्या देखिएपछि उनी गत अगष्ट महिनाको १० तारिख दिल्ली गएका थिए।

त्रिभुवन अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय एयरपोर्टबाट दिल्ली उड्ने बेलामा उनले लेखेका थिएः “Good bye Kathmandu for a while. पछिल्लो समय स्वास्थ्यमा देखा परेको हल्का समस्याको उपचारार्थ डक्टरहरूको सल्लाह अनुसार आज दिल्लीतिर प्रस्थान गरियो ।”

त्यसैगरी, अगष्ट १२ तारिख फोर्टिस अस्पतालमा मेडिकल चेकअपका लागि भर्ना भएपछि उनले लेखेका थिएः “Dear friends,

Thank you for your care and concerns of my health. Today, I have been admitted in Fortis hospital in New Delhi where I had my kidney transplantation 9 years back. Here I need to go under thorough medical check up and lab test. All reports will come in three days and real treatment will start from Monday.  Do not worry about my health. I am ok and I will be ok.”

डा. ओम गुरुङको जन्म सन् १९५२ को फेव्रुवरी ११ मा बाग्लुंग जिल्लाको ताराखोला, भुस्कटमा भएको थियो। बाबा गाउँका जिमुवाल मुखिया बलबहादुर गुरुङ र आमा रत्नकुमारी गुरुङको चार छोरा र चारछोरी सन्तान मध्येका उनी एक होनहार सुपुत्र थिए। उनकी श्रीमति अम्रिता गुरुङ हुन् भने उनका दुई छोरीहरू बिजया गुरुङ र पुष्पा गुरुङ र एक छोरा दीपक गुरुङ हुन्। छोरा दीपकले अमेरिकाको नर्थडाकोटा विश्वविद्यालयबाट ईन्फर्मेसन टेक्नोलोजी साईन्समा अध्धयन पुरा गरी बेलायतमा बसाईसरेकाछन् भने कान्छी छोरी पुष्पाले डिकिन विश्वविद्यालय मेलबर्न अष्ट्रेलियाबाट नर्सिंगमा ब्याचलर गरी उतै कार्यरतछिन्।

नेपाल र नेपाली समाजकै गर्विलो बौद्धिक सम्पत्ति डा. ओम गुरुङको निधनले राष्ट्रलाई एक अपुरणीय क्षति हुन गएको छ।

Brief Profile of Prof. Dr. Om Gurung


1. Ph.D. (Anthropology) Cornell University, Ithaca, USA, 1992.

2. M.A., (Anthropology) Cornell University, Ithaca, USA, 1992.

3. M.A., (Anthropology) University of Poona, Indai, 1980.

4. M.A., (History) Tribhuban University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, 1978.

5. B.A., Prithivi Narayan Multiple Campus, Pokhara, 1975.

6. I.A., Mahendra Inter College, Baglung, 1973.

Area of Specialization

Cultural Anthropology, focusing particularly on Local Systems of Natural Resource Management.

Positions Held

1. Professor in Anthropology and head of the Central Department of Sociology Anthropology at TU, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal.

2. Coordinator, Social Inclusion Atlas and Ethnographic Profile of 42 Highly Marginalized Communities. A Research Project funded by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Nepal through Social Inclusion Research Fund (SIRF) of SNV, Nepal.

3. Coordinator, SIRF, Fellowship Mentoring Program.

4. Member, National Development Council of National Planning Commission, Nepal.

Academic Awards

1. Mahendra Bidhya Bhusan2. Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Fellowship

3. Cornell University Research Awards

4. Norwegian Universities’ Committee for Development Research and Education (NUFU) Fellowship to undertake independent research work in Norway.

5. Spring 1996. Dissertation Writing Support Grant from Norwegian Universities’ Committee for Development Research and Education (NUFU).

6. 1992/1993. International Pre-dissertation Fellowship from Social Science Research Council (SSRC), New York.

7. Dissertation Research Grant from National Geographic Society, Washington, D. C.

8. Field Research Support Grant from World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Washington, D. C.

Affiliation in Professional Organizations

1. Chief editor, Occasional Papers in Sociology and Anthropology, Central Department of Sociology/Anthropology, TU, Nepal.

2. Editorial Board Member, Asian Anthropology sponsored by Hong Kong Anthropological Society and the Department of Anthropology, Chinese University, HK.

3. Advisor, Indigenous Peoples’ Constituent Assembly Member Caucus.

4. Coordinator, High Level Task Force for the Revision of Official list, Indigenous Nationalities.

5. Member, Social Inclusion Program Monitoring Committee, National Planning Commission, Nepal.

6. Board Member, Poverty Alleviation Fund, PAF, Nepal.

7. Coordinator, Dialogue Team of NEFIN with the Government of Nepal.

8. Member, High Level Monitoring Commission, Code of Conduct of Ceasefire.

9. Member, High Level Local Body Reform Advisory Committee.

10. Member, Center for Economic Development and Administration, TU, Nepal.

11. General Secretary, Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities, Nepal, 2003.

12. President, Sociological and Anthropological Society, Nepal, 1997.

13. President, Nepal Association of Cornell, 1991.

14. Graduate Student’s Rep, Department of Anthropology, CU, USA, 1990.

15. Chairman, Sociology/Anthropology Curriculum Dev. Committee, TU, 1987.

16. Coordinator, Dissertation Management Committee, TU, Nepal, 1984.

17. Member, Faculty Board of Social Science, TU, Nepal, 1984.

18. Warden, TU, Kanti Boys Hostel, Kirtipur, 1987.

19. General Secretary, Tamu Dhin, Central office, 1987.

20. President, Nepal University Teachers’ Association, Baglung, 1980.

Work History

1. Professor, Central Dept. of Sociology/ Anthropology, TU.

2. Anthropologist, CIIFAD, Rice-Wheat project, South Asia, 1996.

3. Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Anthropology, Cornell University, USA, 1995.

4. Coordination a seminar class, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA, 1994.

5. Lecturer, Dept. of Anthropology Syracuse University, USA, 1991.

6. Chairman, Central Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, TU, 1985.

7. Lecturer, Dept. of History, Culture and Archaeology, TU, 1984.

8. Assistant lecturer, Anthropology/Sociology Instruction Committee, TU, 1982.

9. Guest Lecturer, Society for Foreign Researcher Development workers and Peace Corps, 1983.

10. Assistant Lecturer, Mahendra Campus, Baglung, TU, 1980.

11. Participant Teacher, National Development Service, TU, Nepal, 1976.

Visiting Fellowship

1. Visiting Professor of Anthropology at the University of Lille, France, 2011.

2. Visiting Lecturer in Anthropology at University of Bergen, Norway, 2008.

3. Guest Lecturer, South Asia Program of Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, 2007.

4. Visiting Lecturer in Anthropology at Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK, 2003 & 2004.

5. Guest Lecturer in Anthropology at the Center for Department Studies, University of Bergen, Norway, 2002.

6. Visiting Lecturer at the South Asian Program, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, 1988.



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