Nepalism .com's ChangeMakers recognizes the trailblazers in our society. Nepalism .com's ChangeMakers is an annual listing of individuals and organizations who have greatly contributed to the society, inspire others and shine.

-प्रदीप परियार थापा, सम्पादक, नेपालिजम डट कम
Updated: Exclusive: नेपालीजम डट कमले ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2024 (USA): People Who Made a Difference घोषणा गरेकोछ। समाजमा योगदान पुर्याएका या नेपालित्वलाई आफ्नो कर्म क्षेत्रबाट चिनाएका २० व्यक्तित्वहरू मध्ये ६ नारीहरूको ३० प्रतिशत र १४ पुरूषहरूको ७० प्रतिशत प्रतिनिधित्व भएकोछ भने २ वटा संस्थाहरू चुनिएकाछन्।
यसअघि, नेपालीजम डट कमले सन् २०२३ को लागि चुनेको १६ परिवर्तनका संवाहकहरू मध्ये १३ नारीहरूको ८१.२५% र ३ पुरूषहरूको १८.७५ प्रतिशत प्रतिनिधित्व भएको थियो भने ५ संस्थाहरू चुनिएका थिए। सन् २०२२ मा चुनिएका ८ व्यक्तित्वहरू मध्ये ५ नारीहरूको छनौटबाट ६२.५ प्रतिशत प्रतिनिधित्व रहेको थियो । दोश्रो संस्करण सन् २०२१ को ChangeMakers लिष्टमा कूल ४७ व्यक्तित्व र संघसंस्थाहरुलाई चुनिएको थियो जसमध्ये महिलाहरु ११ जना २७.५ प्रतिशत रहेको थियो भने पहिलो संस्करण सन् २०२० को ChangeMakers लिष्टमा कूल ८५ व्यक्तित्व र संघसंस्थाहरु मध्ये महिलाहरु १५ जना २२ प्रतिशत रहेको थियो । हरेक वर्ष महिला व्यक्तित्वहरूको खोजी, पहिचान र उनीहरूले गरेको तरक्कीको बढोत्तरी देखिनु र कदर गरिनु भनेको समाजको सही प्रतिविम्व गरिनु पनि हो। नेपालिजम परिवार यो कुरामा गर्व गर्दछ।
List of ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2024 (USA):
People Who Made a Difference:
1. Late Dr. James Harris (‘Jim’) Simons (Posthumously)
2. Nabin Dhungel (Nepal/USA), वरिष्ठ लोकगायक (USA/Nepal)
3. Mrs. Sumana Shrestha (Nepal/USA), Member of Parliament in Nepal, Emerging leader
4. Prof. Dr. Mahendra Limbu Lawoti, distinguished scholar and political reformer (Nepal/USA)
5. Mr. Roshan Pratap Rana Magar, trailblazing Nepali television producer and editor, California
6. Dr. Pranaya Rana, (Nepal/USA), distinguished scholar, Political Reformer
7. Mr. Indra Bahadur Tamang, First Nepali American Photographer, New York
8. Mr. Shambhu Moktan Tamang, First Nepali professional/commercial videographer, cinematographer, New York
9. Master Kumar Karki, 7th Degree Blackbelt in Taekwondo Martial Arts, Senior International Referee, Baltimore
10. Mr. Kuldeep Rana Magar, सामाजिक अभियन्ता, New York
11. Mr. Vishnu Rana Magar, Community Leader, New York
12. Mr. Sunil Nepali, Entrepreneur, Social Influencer, Boston
13. Mrs. Anu Shah, filmmaker/producer, lyricist, poet, and journalist, Boston
14. Mrs. Anju Thapa, trailblazing woman leader, Boston
15. Mr. Shiva BK, लोकप्रिय नृत्य निर्देशक एवं कोरियोग्राफ़र, New York
16. Master Sanjiv Nepali, 5th Degree Blackbelt in Taekwondo Martial Arts, International Gold medalist, Baltimore
17. Mrs. Sumi Pariyar, multi-talented entrepreneur, aesthetician, international referee, and 4th Degree Blackbelt in Taekwondo Martial Arts, Baltimore
18. Mrs. Sunita Kandel, Women Vice President, Non-Resident Nepali Association, National Coordination Council, USA, California
19. Mr. Lelin Kandel, Nepali American youth social entrepreneur, New York
20. Ms. Jubi Gauchan, Vice President at Morgan Stanley, a leading global financial institution, New York
21. Himalaya Cultural Academy, New York
22. Sachchi ko Sathma (With Sachchi), online tv program, USA

1. Late Dr. James Harris (‘Jim’) Simons (Posthumously)
Dr. James Harris Simons, affectionately known as “Jim,” passed away on May 10, 2024, in New York at the age of 86. A brilliant mathematician, visionary philanthropist, and billionaire investor, Dr. Simons was a pioneer in quantitative finance and a champion of global humanitarian efforts. At the time of his passing, his net worth was estimated at $31.4 billion, making him the 55th-richest person in the world.
Dr. Simons founded Renaissance Technologies, a revolutionary quantitative hedge fund based in East Setauket, New York. Known for using advanced mathematical models and algorithms to exploit market inefficiencies, Renaissance Technologies became one of the most successful hedge funds in history, cementing Simons’ reputation as a financial innovator.
Beyond his remarkable achievements in finance, Dr. Simons devoted much of his life to philanthropy. As the founder of the Nick Simons Institute (NSI), established in memory of his youngest son, he spearheaded efforts to improve Nepal’s healthcare system. Since 2006, NSI has invested over $100 million in Nepal’s health sector, supporting 45 district hospitals and health facilities nationwide.
Dr. Simons’ philanthropy extended further, with the Nick Simons Foundation funding key health initiatives in Nepal, including the construction of a maternity wing at Patan Hospital and supporting Nyaya Health Nepal, which operates Bayalpata Hospital in the remote Achham District.
Dr. Simons’ legacy is one of unparalleled brilliance and compassion. Combining mathematical genius with a commitment to improving lives, his contributions to science, finance, and humanity continue to inspire and transform the world.
Read more about his contribution to Nepal:
Read more about his works at:

2. Nabin Dhungel (Nepal/USA), वरिष्ठ लोकगायक (USA/Nepal)
वरिष्ठ लोकगायक नविन ढुंगेलले नेपाली लोकगीतसंगितलाई कालजयी लोकगीत र लय दिएकाछन्। उनका केही बहुचर्चित लोकगीतहरूमा निरजाले कांचो कटर, माछी मारन हो बैनी, मनपर्ने एउटा साली छ, साइकल सरर, तालको माछा छेउ लाग्यो छल्काले, हिउँ चुलीको, अकबरी सुन, तिर्खा मेटाइदेउ, डोरिको तीन फुंदा, चरी हिमालमा हुन्।
बिसं २०३७ मा प्रजातन्त्र दिवस तथा त्रिभुवन जन्म उत्सवको अवसरमा रेडियो नेपालले आयोजना गरेको अधिराज्यव्यापि लोकगीत प्रतियोगितामा एक हजारभन्दा बढी प्रतिस्पर्धीहरूमा उनी प्रथम भएका थिए। रेडियो नेपालको A क्लास गायक, हाल सम्मानित स्रस्टा ढुंगेलको सयौं नेपाली लोकगीतमा आफ्नो जादुमय स्वर, शब्द र सङ्गीत रहेको छ।

3. Mrs. Sumana Shrestha (Nepal/USA), Member of Parliament in Nepal, Emerging leader
Mrs. Sumana Shrestha is a tech-savvy intellectual, seasoned administrator, and a rising figure in Nepali politics. She earned her Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the prestigious MIT Sloan School of Management in Boston, USA. Upon returning to Nepal, she quickly established herself as a transformative leader, serving as the Minister of Education, Science, and Technology in 2024.
Since 2022, Mrs. Shrestha has been a Member of the Federal Parliament in Nepal’s House of Representatives, representing the Rastriya Swatantra Party, where she also holds the position of Joint Secretary.
As an exemplary member of the Nepali diaspora, Mrs. Shrestha embodies the transformative impact of youth returning to their homeland, leveraging global knowledge and experience to drive meaningful change. Her leadership and vision continue to inspire a new generation committed to building a better Nepal.

4. Prof. Dr. Mahendra Limbu Lawoti, distinguished scholar and political reformer (Nepal/USA)
Prof. Dr. Mahendra Limbu Lawoti is the co-founder and coordinator of the Front for Identity, a political movement established in 2024 with the vision of building a prosperous, multicultural, and welfare-oriented state in Nepal.
Dr. Lawoti earned his Ph.D. in Public and International Affairs from the University of Pittsburgh, USA, in 2002. In 2005, he joined Western Michigan University as a tenure-track Assistant Professor, where he rose to Associate Professor in 2008 and full Professor in 2011. He has also taught at the University of Pittsburgh and Wake Forest University.
His teaching and research encompass diverse topics such as international development, democratization, social movements, ethnic and nationalist politics, political inclusion and exclusion, and political institutions like federalism, electoral systems, and constitutionalism. Dr. Lawoti has authored, co-authored, edited, and co-edited approximately a dozen books and published numerous articles, book chapters, and opinion pieces in both English and Nepali. His academic work spans field research in Nepal, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh, and he has presented papers, including keynote addresses, across South Asia, East Asia, Europe, North America, Australia, Africa, and the Middle East.
Dr. Lawoti served two terms as President of the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies, North America (2006–2010), and as Associate Fellow at the Asia Society, New York (2006–2012). His leadership journey began early as the founding coordinator of SEBS (Society of Ex-Budhanilkantha Students) in 1982, where he later served as Vice President, General Secretary, and President (1983–1985). He is also a recipient of the King’s Scout Award, Nepal’s highest scouting honor, in 1983.
A respected academic, leader, and advocate, Dr. Lawoti continues to work towards fostering inclusivity, development, and political accountability in Nepal and beyond.

5. Mr. Roshan Pratap Rana Magar, trailblazing Nepali television producer and editor, California
Mr. Roshan Pratap Rana Magar is a trailblazing Nepali television producer and editor whose work at Nepal Television (NTV) from B.S. 2043 to 2056 left a lasting legacy in the Nepali media landscape. Renowned for his creativity and innovation, Mr. Rana Magar created some of NTV’s most popular and groundbreaking programs, including Geetanjali (2044–2045), showcasing Nepali film songs and interviews with artists; Taranga (2044–2045), featuring film production updates; Sangeet Sangam (2042–2045), NTV’s first reality show; Swor Sangeet (2045–2047), a Top 10 Nepali musical program; Mero Geet Mero Sandesh (2047–2056), a Nepali music video show; and Timro Sur Mero Geet (2055–2056), a musical talent hunt.
He also produced numerous children’s programs, music shows, dance features, and storytelling content for NTV. Additionally, he served as senior producer for live entertainment events, including NTV Night, Nepali New Year celebrations, live concerts, film award shows, and fashion events.
After migrating to the United States, Mr. Rana Magar continued to demonstrate his versatility, working as a video producer and factory project manager at Hammad Ghuman Inc. in Albany, New York (1999–2003). Later, he contributed as a project manager, analyst, and creator in the manufacturing industry at Iwater Inc., San Francisco, from 2017 to 2022.
Mr. Rana Magar remains an iconic figure in Nepali entertainment, celebrated for his pioneering contributions to media and television production.

6. Dr. Pranaya Rana, (Nepal/USA), distinguished scholar, Political Reformer
Dr. Pranaya Rana is a distinguished scholar-practitioner with over two decades of experience across military service, education, social services, and public health. He earned his Ph.D. in International Conflict Management from Kennesaw State University, USA, in 2016, where he also served as an Assistant Professor until 2018.
In the U.S., Dr. Rana worked extensively in public health and social services, supporting vulnerable communities such as refugees, LGBTQ individuals, and other minority groups. After returning to Nepal, he shifted his focus to academic empowerment and socio-political engagement. Currently, he is a full-time politician and a central-level leader of the Rashtriya Swatantra Party. In 2020, he contested in Nepal’s House of Representatives elections and most recently served as a Senior Advisor to the Government of Nepal’s Ministry of Youth and Sports.
Dr. Rana’s contributions have been widely recognized. His accolades include the Distinguished Humanitarian and Service Achievement Award from Kennesaw State University (2024), the Lifetime Senior Bosserman-UNESCO Fellowship from Salisbury University (2022), the Global Engagement Distinction Award from Kennesaw State University (2016), and the Service Leadership Award from Nari Ekata, New York (2024).
A tireless advocate for change, Dr. Rana continues to bridge academia, public service, and politics to drive social transformation in Nepal and beyond.

7. Mr. Indra Bahadur Tamang, First Nepali American Photographer, New York
Mr. Tamang, celebrated as the first Nepali American photographer, has released a memoir that details his remarkable 30-year life journey alongside Charles Henri Ford, the American poet and collage artist revered as the father of American surrealism.
Their story began in 1972 when Tamang, then just 18, met Ford during his visit to Kathmandu. Ford, who was 64 at the time, saw potential in Tamang, and this chance encounter forever changed Tamang’s life. By the following year, Tamang agreed to be Ford’s companion, assistant, and caretaker, roles that would bring him to New York City and into an entirely new world of art and literature. From 1974 onward, Tamang and Ford traveled widely, with Tamang not only aiding Ford in his creative pursuits but also forming a close bond that lasted until Ford’s passing in 2002.
Mr. Tamang’s memoir stands as both an homage to Ford’s legacy and a testament to his own remarkable path—from a young Nepali boy to an collage artist, photographer and cultural pioneer in the United States. Through this memoir, Indra hopes to answer skeptics who may have questioned the depth of his connection to Ford, offering readers an intimate view into a life filled with unwavering friendship, loyalty, resilience, his journey from Nepal to the United States and beyond.
The release of My Curious Years with Charles Henri Ford not only brought together friends, family, and admirers but also highlighted an exceptional life journey marked by loyalty, friendship, and artistic exploration. Our own Nepali son, Indra Tamang’s story continues to inspire and resonate, leaving a lasting legacy.
Read about Mr. Tamang’s story at:

8. Mr. Shambhu Moktan Tamang, First Nepali professional/commercial videographer, cinematographer, New York
शम्भु मोक्तान बेलायतको बिकन्सफिल्ड मिलिटरी कलेज लण्डनबाट सन् १९९३ मा भिडियोग्राफी ट्रेनिङ लिएका पूर्व ब्रिटिश गोर्खाली सैनिक र सफल सिनेमाटोग्राफर हुन् । मोक्तानले सन् २००४ देखि न्यू योर्कमा भिडियोग्राफी ब्याबसाय गर्दै आएका छन् भने ३ वटा नेपाली चलचित्र र ४० भन्दाबढी म्यूज़िक भिडियोहरूमा आफ्नो भिडियोग्राफीको सिनेम्याटिक प्रतिभा देखाई सकेकाछन्।
सिनेमाटोग्राफर मोक्तानले सुन्दर चलचित्र निर्माण गर्न प्रयोग गरिने आफ्नो रेड एपिक क्यामेरा सहित अरु २ वटा रेड एपिक क्यामेर लिएर सन् २०१४ को अप्रिलमा नेपाल पुगेर नेपाल चलचित्र बिकास बोर्ड, नेपाल निर्देशक समाज र नेपाल पर्यटन बोर्डसंग मिलेर पोखरा शहरमा नेपाली चलचित्रका पुराना र नयाँ सिनेमाटोग्राफरहरुलाई रेड एपिक क्यामेरा सन्चालन सम्बन्धी तालिम दिएर फर्केका थिए ।

9. Master Kumar Karki, 7th Degree Blackbelt in Taekwondo Martial Arts, Senior International Referee, Baltimore
Master Kumar Karki, a 7th Dan Black Belt in Taekwondo with over 37 years of dedicated training, is a renowned figure in the world of martial arts. He holds the esteemed position of International Referee and Senior Master at the World Taekwondo Federation.
In 2015, Master Karki founded and established Everest World Class TaekwonDo USA, where he serves as President and Head Master. This academy plays a pivotal role in fostering the growth of Taekwondo, hosting the prestigious Everest National Open Taekwondo Championship both in Nepal since 2019 and in Baltimore, USA since 2023. These championships serve as vital platforms for the development of Nepali Taekwondo.
Master Karki's contributions to Taekwondo extend beyond his leadership roles. He boasts an impressive resume as a former National Player and Coach of Nepal. He has held key positions within the Nepali Taekwondo community, serving as General Secretary of the Nepal National and International Players Association from 2002 to 2008 and General Secretary of the National Taekwondo Instructor Committee of Nepal from 2007 to 2008.
His commitment to community development is evident in his past roles as Vice-Chairman of Village to Village Computer Education and Health Service Nepal from 2005 to 2009. He has also dedicated himself to nurturing young talent, serving as Taekwondo Head Master at HK Lee Academy of Taekwondo in Herndon, Virginia, USA, from 2009 to 2014.
Master Karki's dedication to the growth of Taekwondo in Nepal is unwavering. He has generously provided financial support to establish Taekwondo programs in Maiti Nepal since 2015 and in Shree Mahalaxmi Secondary School, Lubu, Lalitpur, Nepal, since 2018. Furthermore, he has consistently supported the development of Nepali Taekwondo and other Nepali sports sectors through the provision of financial assistance and sports equipment since 2010.
Beyond the realm of Taekwondo, Master Karki has also actively contributed to the Nepali community in the United States. He has been instrumental in establishing the Nepali Bhasa School and Nepali Culture Dance Class in Baltimore, USA, since 2015.
Master Kumar Karki's dedication to Taekwondo, his commitment to community development, and his philanthropic endeavors make him a respected and admired figure in the martial arts world and the Nepali community.

10. Mr. Kuldeep Rana Magar, सामाजिक अभियन्ता, New York
संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिकाको न्यू योर्क सहरमा समाजसेवी नेपाली युवा नेतृत्वको अग्रणीपंक्तिमा कहलिएको नाम हो- कुल बहादुर (कुलदीप) रानामगर । उनी मगर संघ अमेरिकाको दुई कार्यकाल (२०१८-२०२१, २०२-२०२३) केन्द्रीय अध्यक्ष रहेर आफ्नो नेतृत्व कौशलता प्रदर्शन गरिसकेकाछन्। उनकै कार्यकालमा अमेरिकाभरनै मगर संघको राज्य च्याप्टरहरू निर्माणक्रम शुरू भएकोछ भने संघको स्थापनाकालदेखि वर्तमानसम्म दुई दशकको संस्थागत गतिविधिहरूको दस्ताबेजिकरण गर्ने ऐतिहासिक महत्वको स्तुत्य कार्य सम्पन्न गरेर युगयुगान्तरसम्म भावी पुस्तालाई गुनिलो बिरासत सुम्पिएकाछन्।
नेपालबाट मगर ईतिहास र साहित्य प्रकाशन गर्ने संस्था मगर प्रकाशन समिति नेपालको संस्थापक उपाध्यक्ष रहेका उनी हाल मगर संघ अमेरिका र नेपाल आदिवासी जनजाति महासंघ अमेरिका (फिप्ना) को सल्लाहकार रहेकाछन्।
उनले नेपाली समुदायमा पुर्याएको समाजसेवाको कदरस्वरूप न्यू योर्कको ब्रुकलिन बोरो प्रेसिडेंटबाट कोरोना हिरो-२०२१, नेपाल वाणिज्यदूत न्यू योर्कबाट सामाजिक अभियन्ता र फिप्ना प्रेसिडेंट पुरस्कार (२०२४) बाट सम्मानित भएकाछन्।

11. Mr. Vishnu Rana Magar, Community Leader, New York
Mr. Vishnu Rana Magar is a Democratic Party District Leader for Assembly District 30 Part B in New York, serving in this role from 2024 to 2026. He is also a Democratic County Committee Member (2022–Present) and a Delegate to the Democratic Judicial Convention 2024 for Queens County.
In addition to his political engagements, Mr. Rana Magar is a dedicated community leader. He currently serves as the President of Friends of Nuwakot in New York, America (2023–2025) and is an Advisor to the South Asian American Convention (2019) and the Magar Association USA, Inc. (2021–Present).
Recognized for his efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic, Mr. Rana Magar was honored as a COVID Hero by the Brooklyn Borough President in 2021 and received the Hami Nepali Global COVID-19 Hero Award in 2020, among other accolades.
A committed advocate for his community and a champion of South Asian representation, Mr. Rana Magar continues to inspire through his leadership and service.

12. Mr. Sunil Nepali, Entrepreneur, Social Influencer, Boston
Mr. Sunil Nepali is a multifaceted individual with a remarkable blend of entrepreneurial success, unwavering community service, and athletic prowess. He is an emerging entrepreneur in both the United States and Nepal, a respected social activist, and a dedicated sports personality. A testament to his discipline and dedication, Mr. Nepali is a 2nd Degree Blackbelt in Taekwondo Martial Arts, achieving this significant milestone at the young age of 16.
He currently serves as the Vice President of the Greater Boston Nepali Community (GBNC), a vibrant association of Nepalis and friends of Nepal in the Boston area, for the terms 2024-2026 and 2022-2024. Prior to this, he held the position of Vice President of the Myagdi Overseas Nepali Association (MONA) from 2020-2022.
Mr. Nepali's achievements extend beyond community leadership. He is a successful entrepreneur, operating two thriving restaurants in the Boston area. His entrepreneurial journey includes founding and successfully selling Door Server Company and managing Kosheli Event and Management Company, specializing in community events. He is also the founder of Myadi Corolla Transformation Company, catering to tourists in the Pokhara-Myagdi region of Nepal.
Despite his professional accomplishments, Mr. Nepali is most recognized for his unwavering dedication to his community. Since arriving in the United States in 2007 at the age of 20, he has consistently demonstrated a selfless commitment to assisting fellow Nepalis in need. His efforts have helped countless individuals find employment within the Boston area, a service he performs with humility and without seeking recognition.
One particularly poignant example of his unwavering commitment to community service occurred on his own wedding day in 2018. Despite the significance of the occasion, Mr. Nepali immediately responded to a call for help from a community member facing eviction. Without hesitation, he entrusted his wedding preparations to his fiancé and the officiating priest, dedicating himself to assisting the distressed family in relocating their belongings. This selfless act exemplifies the character and unwavering dedication that define Mr. Sunil Nepali.
Mr. Nepali's multifaceted achievements as an entrepreneur, athlete, and community leader serve as an inspiration to Nepali youth, demonstrating the power of dedication, compassion, and a commitment to making a positive impact on the world.

13. Mrs. Anu Shah, filmmaker/producer, lyricist, poet, and journalist, Boston
Mrs. Anu Radha Shah is a multi-talented artist with a diverse career spanning modeling, filmmaking, music, literature, and journalism. She is a successful filmmaker/producer, a prolific lyricist, poet, and a respected journalist.
She serves as the CEO of Anuradha Films International, President of the Association of National Musicians - USA, and Vice President of the Immigrant Nepali Lyricist Association USA. Her professional affiliations also include roles as a Journalist at IOJ (International Organization of Journalism), Guardian Member of Radio Himalaya, Lifetime Member of Nepal Geetkar Sangh, Lifetime Member of Jyoti Pratishthan (Nepal), Founder of Srijana Utsav in Boston, USA, and a Teacher at Adventure School in Boston, MA.
Ms. Shah has made significant contributions to the Nepali film industry as a producer, with notable works such as "Uff yo Mann," "Sukkamano," and "Bhimdutta." Her musical prowess is evident in her extensive body of work, having written and recorded over 200 songs. She has also produced successful music albums including "Anuradha," "Je man Lagchha Gare hunchh," and "Anjali."
A talented poet, Ms. Shah has published a book of poems titled "Anurag." Her artistic contributions have been widely recognized, with over 60 organizations honoring her for her significant contributions to the Nepali literary, music, and film industries.

14. Mrs. Anju Thapa, trailblazing woman leader, Boston
In a landmark moment for the Greater Boston Nepali Community (GBNC), Mrs. Anju Thapa has shattered a long-standing glass ceiling, becoming the first woman elected President of the organization for the 2022-2024 term.
For over three decades, the GBNC, a vibrant association of Nepalis and friends of Nepal in the Boston area, has been led primarily by men. Many doubted a woman could break through this traditionally male-dominated leadership landscape. Yet, with unwavering determination, Anju Thapa defied expectations and secured a historic victory. Her election not only marks a significant milestone for the GBNC but also serves as an inspiration to Nepali women everywhere. This achievement builds upon her extensive community involvement, including serving as Women Coordinator for the Non-Resident Nepali Association of USA Massachusetts Chapter (2021-2023) and the Pashupatinath Buddha Foundation of New England (PABFONE) from 2018 to 2022.
PABFONE, a 501(c)(3) non-profit established in 2012, focuses on preserving South Asian cultural heritage in New England.
Mrs. Thapa also contributes to the community through her service on the board of the Himalayan Lions Club Boston, further solidifying her commitment to service and leadership.

15. Mr. Shiva BK, लोकप्रिय नृत्य निर्देशक एवं कोरियोग्राफ़र, New York
नेपाली म्यूजिक भिडियोका लोकप्रिय नृत्य निर्देशक एवं कोरियोग्राफ़र शिवराम बि.क (शिव बिक) अहिले अमेरिभर आफ्नो नृत्य निर्देशन प्रतिभा नेपाली र अमेरिकी समाजलाई पस्किरहेकाछन्। न्यू योर्कलाई कर्मथलो बनाएका उनले नेपालबाट रिलिज भएका बहुचर्चित म्यूजिक भिडियो गीतहरूमा नृत्य निर्देशक एवं कोरियोग्राफी गरेकाछन्। जसमध्ये ‘सालको पात टपरी हुनी हे बरै’, ‘जेलैमा हो जेलैमा चरी जेलैमा’, ‘चिटिक्कै भा छु रे’, ‘बनकि चरी के भन्छ के’ (चलचित्र प्रसाद), ‘त्यो मान्छेले हेरेको हेरेई छ’, ‘हामी पनि नाँच्नु पर्छ बिच बिचमा’ लगायत दर्जनौं गीत छन्। उसो त उनले नृत्य निर्देशन र कोरियोग्राफी गरेका हालसम्म झण्डै तीन हजार म्यूजिक भिडियोहरू छन् भने उनको नृत्य निर्देशन रहेको नेपाली चलचित्रहरुमा बारुद, जङ्गबाज, आइ एम सरी, प्रसाद, राज, धुम, विदाई, धड्कन भित्र, पसिना, बरदान आदि छन्।
नेपाल चलचित्र नृत्य संघको महासचिव शिव विक राष्ट्रपति रामचन्द्र पौडेल, पूर्व उपराष्टपति नन्द किशोर पुन मगर र विविध संघसंस्थाहरूबाट सम्मानित छन्।

16. Master Sanjiv Nepali, 5th Degree Blackbelt in Taekwondo Martial Arts, International Gold medalist, Baltimore
Internationally renowned Taekwondo Master Instructor and gold medalist, Mr. Sanjiv Nepali, continues to bring honor to Nepal through his exceptional achievements in the world of Taekwondo. A 5th Degree black belt, Mr. Nepali has carved out a distinguished career, earning a total of ten gold medals in prestigious international competitions between 2016 and 2024.
Born on August 17, 1986, in Bara, Nepal, Mr. Nepali developed a passion for Taekwondo during his early childhood. His dedication to the sport, combined with his unique skills, quickly set him apart in the Taekwondo community. He earned his 5th Degree Black Belt from the World Taekwondo Association in South Korea in 2022, and his exceptional abilities were recognized when he was appointed as an International Master Instructor by the World Taekwondo Headquarters in 2018.
Gold Journey
Mr. Nepali’s journey to gold began on April 3, 2016, when he secured his first gold medal at the 14th Hong Kong Nepalese Taekwondo Association (Hong Kong) Anniversary Open Poomsae and Sparring Competition. From there, he continued to dominate, earning his second gold medal at the 22nd Asian Cities Taekwondo Championship in Hong Kong in March 2018. His winning streak continued with gold medals at the British Autumn Open Taekwondo Championship in Manchester, UK (November 2019), the Florida Open International Online Taekwondo Championship (September 2021), the North Carolina International Taekwondo Open Online Championship (May 2021), the DG Asian Taekwondo Open Online Poomsae Championship in the Philippines (July 2021), the Utah International Taekwondo Open Championship (March 2021), the Bandung International Online Poomsae Tournament in Indonesia (June 2021), and National Capitol Open Taekwondo Championship 2024 first place in the event Individual Poomsae, Under 40 (Virginia, USA), Gold medalist in the 2024 Las Vegas Open Taekwondo Championship, Individual Poomsae Under 40 Age Category, held on September 21, 2024, in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA; Gold medalist in the 2024 Texas Cup International Taekwondo Championship, Individual Poomsae Master 1 Ultra Category, held on November 2, 2024 in Dallas, Texas, USA.
Read further about his achievements at:
Mr. Sanjiv Nepali's accomplishments continue to shine brightly, elevating Nepal’s reputation on the international Taekwondo stage and inspiring future generations of athletes.

17. Mrs. Sumi Pariyar, multi-talented entrepreneur, aesthetician, international referee, and 4th Degree Blackbelt in Taekwondo Martial Arts, Baltimore
Mrs. Sumi Pariyar is a multi-talented entrepreneur, aesthetician, sportsperson, and an internationally recognized Taekwondo referee. A 4th Degree Blackbelt in Taekwondo Martial Arts and a gold medalist in the 43-48 kg fin weight category, she has been a shining example of excellence in sports and business.
In 2016, Mrs. Pariyar established Pretty Eyebro, a beauty salon that has since grown into a thriving enterprise. Over just eight years, she expanded her ventures to include two beauty salons and diversified into jewelry, designer watches, travel and ticketing, and hospitality businesses, with operations spanning the United States, Dubai, and Nepal. Her success is underpinned by the steadfast support of her husband, Dilip Kumar Nepali, who plays a key role in managing their businesses.
Before moving to the U.S. in 2011, Mrs. Pariyar served as a National Taekwondo referee in Nepal (2054–2064) and later became an international referee, officiating tournaments in the U.S. and South Korea. She is also a former Radio Jockey and program host for Radio Jagaran (2004–2005), showcasing her versatility and dynamic personality.
Her dedication to self-improvement led her to Singapore, where she completed a year-long hotel management course (2064–2065), further broadening her expertise.
As a mother of two sons, Mrs. Pariyar skillfully balances family, career, and her passion for sports and entrepreneurship. She stands as an inspiration to aspiring Nepali women, proving that determination and hard work can overcome challenges and lead to success across multiple fields.

18. Mrs. Sunita Kandel, Women Vice President, Non-Resident Nepali Association, National Coordination Council, USA, California
Mrs. Sunita Kandel, the Women Vice President of the Non-Resident Nepali Association, National Coordination Council, USA (NRNA-NCC, USA), is a prominent advocate and leader within the Nepali American community. She has been instrumental in spearheading national conversations on the impact of domestic and sexual violence, working tirelessly to raise awareness and foster support for affected individuals.
Through her leadership and advocacy, Mrs. Kandel continues to empower the Nepali diaspora, championing crucial social issues and inspiring collective action to create a safer and more inclusive community.

19. Mr. Lelin Kandel, Nepali American youth social entrepreneur, New York
Mr. Lelin Kandel is a dynamic Nepali American youth social entrepreneur making waves in business and community engagement. He is the co-owner of Thamel New York, a popular Nepali-themed pub, and Thamel NYC Events, as well as Shift Midtown LLC. Previously, he held prominent roles such as Senior Operations Manager at Pokeworks, Business Development Officer at Funderial, and Brand Ambassador at Tam & Co LLC.
Mr. Kandel’s contributions to social impact are equally remarkable. He co-founded Dari Club USA, which partners with Project Shiksha, the 100s Group, and other organizations in Nepal to provide free college education and accommodation to underprivileged students. He also serves as a Community Board 2 member for New York City, where he is the Vice Chair for Small Business and Local Economy, championing initiatives to uplift local enterprises.
As an administrator of the popular Facebook group NY Nepali Kaam Post, boasting over 34,000 members, Mr. Kandel has created a vital platform for the Nepali community in Greater New York to share free job and housing advertisements, fostering support and connection among Nepali Americans.
A trailblazer in both business and community service, Mr. Kandel continues to inspire and empower others through his innovative ventures and impactful initiatives.

20. Ms. Jubi Gauchan, Vice President at Morgan Stanley, a leading global financial institution, New York
Ms. Jubi Gauchan is a Portfolio Manager and Vice President at Morgan Stanley, a leading global financial institution. Beyond her professional role, she plays an active part in the Morgan Stanley Asian Employee Network’s Culture Pillar, organizing events that celebrate and honor Asian American heritage. She also contributes to the firm’s mentorship efforts by supporting Managing Directors’ mentorship pods and serves on the Women in Wealth Professional Development Committee.
Before joining Morgan Stanley, Ms. Gauchan gained valuable experience at two of the world’s largest financial institutions, JPMorgan Chase and BlackRock, where she held various roles.
Deeply rooted in community engagement, her commitment to service began in her youth as the daughter of a Gurkha in Singapore. In the U.S., she rose to prominence by earning Top 5 and Miss Personality honors in Miss Nepal USA 2011. Her modeling accolades include winning five titles at the ANA Fashion Extravaganza in 2013.
In 2015, as a student leader at City University of New York (CUNY) - Baruch College, Ms. Gauchan spearheaded fundraising efforts for Nepal Earthquake Relief, raising nearly $10,000 with her team of Nepali volunteers—the most ever raised by students at the time. At Baruch, she served in leadership roles, including as a Team Baruch leader, Peer for Careers leader, and Orientation leader. Her excellence was recognized with multiple awards, including the Li-Auyueng Peers for Careers Award, Barnes and Noble Textbook Scholarship, and the USS International Student Scholarship. She was also a part of the Rising Star Sophomore Program.
Graduating Magna Cum Laude with Zicklin Honors, she majored in Finance and Investments, with double minors in Mathematics and Advanced Business Analysis.
Ms. Gauchan’s early achievements also include earning a 1st Dan Black Belt in Kyokushin Karate at the age of 14 in Singapore, a testament to her discipline and determination. Today, she continues to inspire through her professional success, cultural advocacy, and community leadership.

21. Himalaya Cultural Academy, New York
अमेरिकी भूमिमा नेपाली गीतसंगितलाई प्रवर्द्धन गरिरहेका नेपाली कलाकारहरूको संस्था हो- हिमालय साँस्कृतिक प्रतिष्ठान। अमेरिकामा नेपाली साँस्कृतिक पहिचान कायम गर्न तम्सिएको प्रतिष्ठानका संस्थापक सदस्यहरू शिशिर श्रेष्ठ, न्हुँछे नारायण डंगोल, अभय ढुंगेल र संगिता मुखिया हुन्।
हिमालय साँस्कृतिक प्रतिष्ठानले स्थापनाकाल सन् २०२१ देखिनै नेपाली कला संगितका धरोहरहरूलाई सम्झिदै आएकोछ। चाहे सम्झनामा नारायण गोपाल सांगितिक साँझ होस् या स्व. भजनशिरोमणि भक्तराज आचार्य र संगीतकार स्व. नोर्वु छिरिंग स्मृति सभा, प्रतिष्ठानले नेपाली सुमधुर संगीतका स्रष्टाहरूलाई सम्झिने परम्पराको थालनी गरेकोछ।
अमेरिकामा पैचालीस वर्ष अघि पहिलो पटक सन् १९७९ मा संगीत अध्ययनकाक्रममा आउने संगीतकार किशोर गुरूंग हुन् भने सन् १९९० मा पहिलो पटक साँस्कृतिक प्रहर्शन लिएर अमेरिका भ्रमण गर्ने मह जोडी (मदनकृष्ण श्रेष्ठ र हरिवंश आचार्य) हुन्। सन् १९९० मा अमेरिका आएर कर्मभूमिमै स्थायी वसोवास गर्ने पहिलो कलाकार ध्रुव वन्तलाई मानिन्छ। सन् २०१५ मा साढे चार सयको हाराहारीमा अमेरिकामा रहेका नेपाली कलाकारहरू र उनीहरूको परिवार अहिले हजारौंको संख्यामा रहेकाछन्।

22. Sachchi ko Sathma (With Sachchi), online tv program, USA
Sachchi Ko Sathma (With Sachchi) played a crucial role in raising awareness and amplifying public discourse during the tragic and widely publicized murder of Nepali American nurse Mamata Kafle by her husband, Naresh Bhatta, in 2024.
"Sachchi ko Sathma" (With Sachchi) is an online TV program hosted by Ms. Sachchi Mainali, a prominent Nepali American journalist known for her unwavering dedication to social justice and impactful journalism. Ms. Mainali, a distinguished journalist, writer, and media activist, has consistently championed critical issues such as good governance, anti-corruption, and the cessation of impunity throughout her illustrious three-decade career. Her advocacy extends to vital human rights issues, including child rights, women's rights, and the rights of marginalized communities.
Recognized as a "ChangeMaker 2023" by Nepalism, Ms. Mainali has emerged as a trailblazer in Nepali American society. For over fifteen years in the United States, she has consistently served as a powerful voice for the voiceless, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to social justice and accountability.
As the Publisher and Editor of "Sachchi Ko Sath Ma" (With Sachchi), Ms. Mainali continues to champion the voices of marginalized communities through her media company.
Through her tireless advocacy and impactful work as the presenter of "Sachchi ko Sathma," Ms. Sachchi Mainali's journey serves as an inspiring example of the profound influence of media in fostering a more just, informed, and equitable society.
Read more about her works at:
यो वर्ष र विगतका वर्षहरूको परिवर्तनका संवाहकहरूबारे: मा सविस्तार पढ्न सक्नुहुनेछ ।
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